Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start?

Just show up. You can contact us at anytime for more information, or to help with the nervousness that everyone goes through, but simply put, just come on in. Pop in fifteen minutes before class. An instructor will take you through some paperwork and answer any questions you might have,

How do I register someone for your youth or teen classes?

Send us an email stating your name, the youth or teen’s name, and the classes you would like to register them for. We will confirm your registration. You can then send us an e-transfer to reserve space in those classes. Prior to the youth or teen’s first class a parent or guardian will have to fill out a waiver form. THIS HAS TO BE DONE IN PERSON SO WE CAN WITNESS THE SIGNING. No minors can participate in class unless we witness their parent/guardian signing their waiver form.

What do I need to bring?

For your first few classes, some tight fitting athletic wear and a full water bottle are all that you really need. A pair of flip flops are good for if you want to run to the washroom. Mouthguards are are also a good idea if you want to do any sparring or rolling.

What happens on my first class? Am I just thrown in with everyone else?

No, your first class will be largely about safety. An assistant instructor will work with you one on one, going over basic safety precautions, and teaching you some basics techniques and principles so that you don’t feel lost when you eventually join the rest of the class.

Do I have to fight or spar?

No. You are not required to do anything that you don’t want to do. Different people need different things. If you do not want to participate in any part of class, or find a particular technique or situation triggering, you can opt out, no questions asked.